This product has been discontinued, and replaced with Simrad BSM-3 Broadband CHIRP Echosounder

<p>340mmW x  100mmH x 289mmD Weight: 4.8kg</p>

340mmW x  100mmH x 289mmD Weight: 4.8kg

Simrad BSM-2

SKU: Simrad-BSM-2
Find it In: Fishing and Marine Electronics, Fish Finder-Plotter Combos.

Status: Discontinued

Product Description

Simrad BSM-2 >Broadband Sounder Module can penetrate the deepest water on the planet - up to 3000m. Simrad BSM-2 builds on the ground-breaking BSM-1 unit that revolutionised Fish finding with its quantum leap in the clarity and detail of the images that it generated.


Simrad BSM2 introduces fresh advances in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Frequency sweeping pulse compression (CHIRP) technology. CHIRP maximises the >Sensitivity and Resolution of the Sonar systems by modifying the Frequency of the transmitted pulses to improve their auto-correlation properties. The return signals, already superior to those generated by conventional sounders, are then processed by the new DSP software and displayed in ultra-sharp detail on the display unit. The end result is a 5 times improvement in Target Separation.

  • Whispers into the water – outperforms other 3kW systems without the noise
  • Compatible with most Airmar >Broadband transducers, all BSM-1 Transducers and Simrad Combi-C transducers. Note: CHIRP is not enabled with these last two installations
  • Connects to Simrad NSO, NSE and NSS series displays (not included)
  • Zoom Auto/Manual Size:x2m x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8
  • Power: 12/24vDC 10w (Range Dependent)
  • Dual transceivers with two depth Transducer ports (low and high frequency),  two independent temperature sensors ports Operates at maximum capability with high performance Airmar >Broadband Transducers supporting 25-45kHz, 40-60kHz, or 130-210kHz options.
  • Dual Port configurations: CHIRP #1: 130-210kHz or 40-60kHz, CHIRP #2: 40-60kHz or 25-45kHz, Narrowband #1: 200kHz or 50kHz, Narrowband #2: 50kHz, 38kHz or 28kHz.
  • Video Owners guide shows outstanding CHIRP imaging and tips on how to hget the best from your BSM-2