What are Laylines and how do they work
What are laylines?
In simple terms, >Laylines represent the most efficient Way of reaching your destination, given the presentwind conditions – by sailing along your target >Laylines you can maximize your >Velocity Made Good (VMG).
• “Mark Laylines” display the target Course to sail to reach the destination
• “Boat Laylines” display the target Course of the yacht
The point where the two sets of >Laylines intersect can be thought of as the Tack (or gybe) point.
Zeus also offers the ability to correct >Laylines for the effects of the Current Tide measurement.
How do they work?
Laylines are based on the True Wind Direction (TWD) from your instrument system along with either (1) your target upwind and downwind sailing angles or (2) your actual sailing angles.
Target angles provide you with the most efficient sailing angle, while actual angles use real data from the live measurements.
• Targets are set by either entering your upwind and downwind sailing angles into Zeus
• Actual data uses your Current True Wind Angle
What can I See?
Are incredibly useful for cruising yachts, where the focus is more on tacking in the right place to Stay safe rather than sailing at optimum performance all the time. In this mode the >Laylines are calculated from the Current True Wind Angle, either directly from the instrument system (if available) or calculated from Boat Speed and Apparent Wind Angle. This setting gives you a realistic tacking angle based on your Current performance.

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