Bomb sinkers help to Hold your bait to the bottom without snagging as much and helps to keep your your rig secure to the bottom without rolling in Current. They're also used for light Trolling and break away rigs.
Available with or without built-in swivel.
1.5Oz Hexi Bomb Sinkers
2 Oz Hexi Bomb Sinkers
3 Oz Hexi Bomb Sinkers
With Swivel
With Swivel
Bomb Sinkers - 16 Oz Bomb Sinkers & Swivel
Bomb Sinker - #1 BOMB & SWIVEL
Bomb Sinkers - 6Oz Bomb Sinker With Swivel
Bomb Sinkers - with Swivel - #000
Bomb Sinker - #2 BOMB & SWIVEL
Bomb Sinkers - 8 Oz Bomb Sinkers & Swivel
Bomb Sinkers - with Swivel - #000 - 3pk
Out of stock
Bomb Sinker - #00 BOMB & SWIVEL
Bomb Sinker - #3 BOMB & SWIVEL
Bomb Sinkers - 12 Oz Bomb Sinkers & Swivel
Bomb Sinkers - 14Oz Bomb Sinker & Swivel
Bomb Sinker - #0 BOMB & SWIVEL
Bomb Sinker - #4 BOMB & SWIVEL
Additional Information
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