Net Needles - Toka Flat Style with Raised Edges Zoom

Net Needles - Toka Flat Style with Raised Edges

Net Needles - Toka Flat Style with Raised Edges

Find it In: Nets, Netting Equipment.
Unit: EACH
ImageGeneral DescriptionStatusPriceQty
Net Needles - Toka Flat Style with Raised Edges - 8 x 141mm
Sku: NEJ400
Size: 8 x 141mm
In Stock Hurry Limited Supply
Net Needles - Toka Flat Style with Raised Edges - 10 x 172mm
Sku: NEJ410
Size: 10 x 172mm
On order with supplier, awaiting delivery
Product Description

Toka Flat Style Net Needles with Raised Edges is a special type of needle with an “inner” tongue. The tongue holds a thin Line or thread, so it is easy to pull the thread through the meshes and unwind as it is used.

They come in many sizes, and it takes some practice to use a needle correctly. First of all, it is important to learn how to replenish the thread or Line – if it is not done correctly, the Line will start twisting and turning during the work, which is both time-consuming and annoying!

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