Lowrance and Simrad Radar Image Overlay
Now that you have your Lowrance 3G or 4G Radar or your Simrad 3G or 4G Radar, why not take full advantage of the system capabilities and overlay your >Radar image on top of your plotter image??
The GPS plotter image is showing you theoretically what is around you and your >Radar is showing you actually what is there. >Radar was designed for night time Navigation and combining the >Radar image over the top of the plotter image provides for safer Navigation. The image on the left is the normal >Radar image and the >Radar image overlaying on the plotter on the right, Contrasting >Radar with charting provides easy and quick comparison – any >Radar target and not seen on the Chart would normally be other vessels. Such detail makes >Broadband >Radar a great aid to Navigation, especially when visibility is restricted at night or in poor weather.
A rate gyro compass is required to provide high speed directional information so that the >Radar screen and the plotter screen can Stay in sync with each other and can be purchased separately if you do not already have a Simrad AP24 Autopilot. There is also some additional cables to connect the system together. These are listed as options on our website

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