Power Dive Snorkels
Dive without tanks! If you like snorkeling, you'll love PowerDiving!, No dive tanks to carry, refill or wear.
PowerDive (est.1997) is now regarded as the worlds leading Surface Supply Diving System (formally known as hookah diving). The PowerDive range of diving systems are ideal for safe, family diving and they are also the perfect tool for:
The PowerDive units are light, compact and portable and range from mounted to floating units that are available in electric and petrol driven versions. Electric units are more suited to families and boat maintenance (6-7m diving depth).
PowerDive is a unique, shallow water diving system, bridging the gap between snorkeling and scuba diving. The units are safe, easy to use, can be set up in 2-minutes and do not require certification like scuba diving.
Power Dive Deck Snorkel - Replacement Reservoir & Fittings
RRP: $350.00
NOW: $309.00
Power Dive Power Snorkel Option - 35A/H PowerDive Battery & Lead
RRP: $380.00
NOW: $335.00
Power Dive Power Snorkel Option - 6m Running Lead
RRP: $195.00
NOW: $165.00
Power Dive Deck Snorkel - Replacement Regulator, Harness & Hose - 25psi
RRP: $450.00
NOW: $395.00
Power Dive Deck Snorkel - Replacement Regulator - 25psi
RRP: $320.00
NOW: $269.00
Power Dive Deck Snorkel
RRP: $2,250.00
NOW: $1,945.00
Power Dive Double Deck Snorkel
RRP: $3,250.00
NOW: $2,775.00
Power Dive Power Snorkel
RRP: $4,100.00
NOW: $3,495.00
Power Dive Deck Snorkel - Replacement Harness
RRP: $65.00
NOW: $57.00