Transom Mount

Similar Terms: T/M

Transom Mount Transducer is the most common method of installing a transducer on to the Stern (transom) of the Boat.


Finding Faults in Transom Mount Transducers

  • If experiencing interference with a Transom mounted Transducer you must test drive the vessel to determine what speed the image is lost at.
  • Move the Transducer to it’s lowest position and retest. If screen image is improved repeat until you are satisfied with results.
  • If screen image gets worse, move Transducer up and re‐test until improvement  is seen.
  • Perform a slow but constant turn to the side of the Hull that the Perform a slow but constant turn to the side of the Hull that the Transom Transducer is mounted. Gradually increase Rate of Turn. If screen image improves the Transducer needs to be mounted lower in the water.
  • If screen image is worse when turning to the same side as the Transducer try turning the opposite direction. This would indicate the Transducer needs to be mounted higher in the water.

Transom Mount

Adjust the transducer so that it has around a 3-5 degree tail low tilt

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